Transforming legal landscape: The power of Chat GPT in Law

Transforming legal landscape: The power of Chat GPT in Law


The development of AI technology is astounding in the modern world. Significant advancements have been made in various industries, including the legal sector, since OpenAIintroduced ChatGPT in November 2022 for free public testing. ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI with advanced natural language processing capabilities that would assist lawyers with tasks like research on the law, writing, and document summarising.

The research paper examines the Chat GPT’s capabilities and constraints the study examines the model’s performance on a number of natural language processing tasks, such as text categorization, sentiment analysis, and language translation, and gives an overview of the model’s architecture and training data.

The research paper also explores the model’s benefits and drawbacks in terms of conversing with users in a conversational manner. It examines the performance of Chat GPT in comparison to other language models and provides case studies of how it is utilised in practical applications such as chatbots and customer service it also covers the ethical issues related to use of  Chat GPT,  including concerns about bias and the potential for misuse and how to resolve these problems and guarantee that the technology is applied appropriately, it offers suggestions for academics and developers.

Overall, the research paper offers a thorough evaluation of Chat GPT on the legal sector, the need for ethical AI deployment and use, and offers some feasible remedies. The quality of work done by lawyers and other legal professionals has the potential to be considerably improved both now and in the future with the use of AI technologies like ChatGPT. It should be highlighted, nevertheless, that this technology should only be used to supplement lawyers, & never to take their place.

Key Words : Chat Gpt, Artificial Intelligence, Legal Industry, Lawyers , Chat Bot


Artificial intelligence (AI) has expanded significantly in the twenty-first century and is becoming increasingly institutionalized. In today’s interdisciplinary scientific period, which includes computer science, cybernetics, automation, mathematical logic, and linguistics AI has specific uses in speech recognition, machine learning, expert systems, and natural language processing. It can carry out many different functions. The rapid advancement of AI technology in recent years has led to the development of complex algorithms and systems that are capable of completing these tasks with exceptional precision and efficiency. Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly intruding on a number of sectors, including technology, healthcare, agriculture, engineering, and even the legal profession.

One of the top artificial intelligence models on the market is ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. It can carry out operations like translation, question-answering, and text summarising since it evaluates and generates text using deep learning algorithms. ChatGPT has the potential to significantly improve productivity and accuracy in a number of industries, including the legal profession, due to its comprehensive natural language processing capabilities. Due to its enhanced functionality and adaptability, it has grown to rank among the most popular language models worldwide.

These days, ChatGPT is quite famous for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it can generate lengthy collections of original texts as a result rather than just a score or a yes-or-no response. Law professionals and students frequently use ChatGPT since it helps them with legal research, drafting, document summarization, etc. With ChatGPT, jobs can be done more quickly, efficiently, accurately, and effectively.

In order to uphold reasonable and moral practices, it is crucial to keep in mind that human lawyers still have the final say in all legal matters and that the use of AI must be carefully regulated.


1. Can artificial intelligence help for a scientific writing?
2. Will chat gpt make lawyers obsolete?


1. To understand the factors that contribute to the escalation of chatbot interactions, including user behavior &  chatbot responses,
2. To identify the impact of escalation on user satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty to the chatbot.
3. To evaluate the effectiveness of different intervention techniques for resolving escalated interactions, such as transferring the user to a human agent or providing alternative solutions.
4. To develop strategies  to prevent misuse of Chat Gpt  
5. To examine the potential ethical implications of using chatbots


The division of this research methodologies into categories is based on doctrinal research. analysis of the legal theory and how it has been produced and used is the focus of doctrinal research, which is theoretical. Hence this paper evaluates a doctrinal approach for carrying out fundamental research. The study was done using several research instruments and is descriptive and analytical in nature. The main aim of this research paper is to focus on a critical escalationof Chat GPT.


Primary and secondary sources are further divided into categories for data sources. As noted above, the researcher in this work has concentrated carefully on examining the available primary and secondary data. For primary data sources, the researcher relies on laws, reports, court precedents, and notifications. Furthermore, commentaries, research papers, magazines, case laws, and books are relied upon for secondary data.


1. In the paper “Legal Assistance by Chatbot: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Law Firms” by L. Mesquita and R. Santos,- The authors argue about how ChatGPT and other AI-powered chatbots could help clients with legal matters. They contend that chatbots can increase access to justice, cut expenses for law companies, and increase client satisfaction; as a result, this paper presents a debate over whether using Chat GPT improves services for both clients and law businesses so thus in my view it helps clients and firms to work in a effective manner .

2. In the article “The Legal Implications of Using Artificial Intelligence in Law” by D. M. WhittakerThe author discusses the ethical and legal issues that ChatGPT and other AI systems in the legal sector have raised argues that while AI can have numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency and accuracy, it also raises concerns about bias and responsibility. In this article, the author provides a debate on the pros and cons of using Chat GPT and I believe that there are more cons than pros as  it affect creativity of a person .

3. In the article “Artificial Intelligence and Legal Practice: The Future is Now” by J. G. Neal: The author examines how ChatGPT and other forms of AI might be incorporated into legal practise. The paper addresses how AI could enhance legal research, contract analysis, and outcome prediction. This paper present a debate that Chat GPT is helpful in legal field and these tools are very helpful in legal research . I believe that these tools aids in legal research agree with author view .

4. The Ethics of AI Chatbots in Mental Health Counseling:  By M. K. Liu and K. S. Wong (2020) This article examines the moral dilemmas associated with using AI chatbots for mental health counselling. It discusses the potential benefits and drawbacks of this technology as well as how important it is to uphold moral standards when using this AI; as a result, this paper presents a debate that while using these AI tools, one should upload his ethical standard and should use these tools in a very effective and efficient manner .

5. Chatbots in Education: By A. E. Johnson and C. A. Rickard (2021): This article examines the usage of chatbots in education and provides a thorough analysis of the related literature. This article discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the educational sector because these tools can be very effective when used properly and can also help to create employment opportunities. It also covers the potential advantages of chatbots in education, such as higher engagement and more individualised learning strategies

Overall, these analyses of the literature demonstrate that ChatGPT has a lot of potential for usage in the legal industry, notably for client legal aid, improving legal research, and enhancing the efficacy and accuracy of legal procedures. However, they also stress how important it is to deal with moral and legal issues that surround the use of AI in the legal sphere.


The history of chatbots dates back to the 1960s when Joseph Weizenbaum created ELIZA. However, it wasn’t until the development of GPT-1 in 2018 that we saw a significant advancement in chatbot technology.

GPT, or Generative PreThe-trained Transformer, is a language model for artificial intelligence created by OpenAI. It generates human-like responses to text-based inputs using deep learning algorithms.

In 2018, researchers at OpenAI released GPT (Generative Pre-Training Transformer), an AI language model that served as the foundation for ChatGPT. GPT-3, which was released in June 2020, was more sophisticated, intelligent, and interactive than its predecessors. GPT-3 gained popularity fast and was used to create blog posts, social media updates, and even complete websites. Due to its ability to perform tasks like translation and summarization, it was a beneficial tool for both businesses and individuals.

Undoubtedly, there are still many obstacles to overcome as well as exciting breakthroughs that will emerge on the path to developing truly outstanding chatbots. Overall, there are numerous future opportunities for the GPT and GPT-4 chat systems. Due to their ability to help us complete a range of tasks more quickly and efficiently, these chatbots will likely become an indispensable part of our daily lives as AI technology develops.


The legal sector can benefit from the use of ChatGPT in a number of ways, including:

Legal Research : One of the time-consuming responsibilities of a lawyer is conducting legal research. By using ChatGPT to search and examine vast amounts of legal data and documents, it can be done more quickly and effectively. Information on individual cases, words, and laws is nearly immediately available to legal professionals.

Case and Clause Analysis – By using ChatGPT to analyse papers, uncover similar provisions, and instances linked to them, lawyers may quickly understand the most crucial components of a contract. It can also render a quick judgment on a case that has already been determined.

Legal Advice — Lawyers may swiftly comprehend the most important elements of a contract by using ChatGPT to examine papers, find related clauses, and find cases connected to them. Additionally, it has the ability to quickly decide a case that has already been decided.

Legal Education –Using ChatGPT to deliver legal education and training can help lawyers grow their careers and stay up to date on legal development


The usage of Chat GPT can have both positive and undesirable effects it depends on how it is being utilized it differs from person to person. On the plus side, it may give users prompt and precise answers to various queries, boosting productivity and efficiency. Additionally, it can help with projects like content production, language translation, and customer assistance, among others Recently Punjab and Haryana high court became the first court to use Chat GPT to decide bail plea According to the court, the usage of ChatGPT and any observations made are only meant to provide a more comprehensive view of bail jurisprudence where cruelty is a factor. The court further emphasised that using Chat GPT is a wise move that can have both positive and negative effects. It also emphasised that artificial intelligence cannot threaten the jobs of lawyers; rather, it can only be used as a tool, so the court’s ruling set an example of effective and efficient use of Chat GPT in a variety of professions.

Chat GPT also has adverse effects, which should be taken into account. The possibility of misinformation is the main problem. There is always a chance of errors or inaccuracies, even though Chat Gpt makes an effort to deliver correct information. Furthermore, responses might not always take into consideration the complete context of a situation, which can cause misunderstandings or confusion In a recent scenario where Chat GPT  failed to solve questions of JEE and UPSC, the exams which are considered one of the toughest exams in the world this shows the inaccuracy of Chat Gpt.

Thus the over-reliance on technology is another issue. Although it can offer immediate and practical replies, it is crucial to keep in mind that it is a machine and cannot take the role of human judgment, creativity, and empathy.

In conclusion, the effects of adopting a language model like Chat GPT rely on how it is being utilized and the environment in which it is being used. It is important to use Chat GPT in a responsible way and manner, critically evaluate responses, and be aware of the potential limitations and risks associated with its use.


The use of ChatGPT has become part of our daily lives since its release. It is being used by people for a range of jobs in many businesses, and the legal sector is no exception. It reopened a dialogue on how AI is influencing professions like law and the provision of legal services.

While stressing the importance of artificial intelligence, Supreme Court Justice HimaKohli cautioned that “AI cannot be a substitute for a trained judicial mind.” As a result, ChatGPT can assist lawyers in making more informed decisions about which cases to pursue, identifying crucial terms and clauses in contracts, quickly and effectively reviewing and analyzing large amounts of information, translating legal documents into other languages, and giving prompt and accurate answers to legal questions. This means that its outcome might not always be precise or reliable, especially when utilised in the context of legal decision-making.

The use of ChatGPT in the legal industry raises a number of concerns and difficulties, including unfairness and bias, a lack of accountability, high-quality output, secrecy, and job loss.


Chat GPT is an effective technology that can help lawyers with their work, but it cannot take the position of a lawyer. While AI is capable of doing some activities like document review, legal research, and even some types of legal analysis, it lacks the human judgment and empathy needed to properly comprehend complicated legal circumstances and offer clients individualized guidance.

Lawyers undergo training to comprehend the complexities of the law, interpret the language of the law in its context, and come up with original solutions to challenging legal issues. While AI may be able to see trends and offer data-driven insights, it cannot replace the knowledge and experience of a qualified professional.

Furthermore, the legal industry demands more than just technical expertise. Lawyers must also have excellent interpersonal, negotiating, and communication abilities. These are all areas where AI is lacking.

In conclusion, while Chat GPT may undoubtedly help lawyers with their work, it cannot take the role of lawyers. Our judicial system depends on lawyers, and technology cannot replace their special knowledge and talents thus my hypothesis is proved that ChatGPT will not make a lawyer obsolete despite it will be a helping hand that will increase the efficiency of lawyers.


Objective: ChatGPT an artificial intelligence language tool created by OpenAI, uses machine learning algorithms to produce text that closely resembles human text . Regarding the accuracy of the documents it produces, there have been a number of issues. In this study, the quality and accuracy of a number of academic publications produced by ChatGPT are compared to those produced by human authors.

Material and Method Used – By comparing ChatGPT-generated radiology articles withpreviously authored, unpublished, and under-review articles, I conducted a study to evaluate their accuracy.

Result: In total, ChatGPT generated 4 of the 5 articles which included fictitious references and were substantially wrong.

Thus this test prove that Chat GPT can’t help in a scientific writing rather it can provide a recommendations for what to write about and how to do it. Nevertheless, it’s critical to keep in mind that scientific writing demands a thorough comprehension of the subject as well as a precise style and organisation.Thus hypothesis is being proved


ChatGPT is a technology that, when used in the legal field, may produce excellent language from a wealth of data, but it is not capable of replacing human discretion and knowledge. Artificial intelligence should not be trusted when it comes to the law. Several obstacles and issues need to be addressed with regard to the use of ChatGPT in the legal profession, including

Accuracy –Legal information errors can be harmful to both people and organizations, it is not possible to fully rely on the information provided by ChatGPT.

Client Information Security – The ChatGPT is designed to learn from data, they have access to a wealth of knowledge and data. There is a risk of unauthorized access because this could include confidential client information, such as identifying information and legal records, which may be sensitive.

Productivity level – ChatGPT is capable of producing outstanding text, but the output’s productivity is determined on the training data and user-defined parameters. This suggests that, particularly when it comes to making legal decisions, its output might not always be accurate or reliable.

Malicious Activities – Technology has numerous benefits, but it may also be abused by those with malicious intent. Therefore, ChatGPT might be used maliciously, for carrying out undected cyberattacks.

Concerns with morality and ethics:  When legal decisions are being made, complex ethical and moral problems usually come into play that is beyond the capabilities of a machine. The use of ChatGPT raises questions about who should be in charge of moral judgments in legal contexts and how to ensure that these decisions are made honestly and responsibly.


Numerous concerns and issues could occur, and certain remedies are recommended so that they don’t jeopardize the legal sector

ChatGPT is a tool that legal professionals can use. First, a thorough risk analysis must be conducted by legal professionals before drawing any conclusions based on the data provided by ChatGPT. Additionally, using recent training data will guarantee the accuracy of the data generated by ChatGPT. It is possible to verify the information provided by ChatGPT using a number of sources, including important legal sources like laws, rules, and court rulings.

Use of ChatGPT in Huma Nadeem’s article, “Technical and Legal Risks of ChatGPT: How Prepared Are We With Laws on AI” The accuracy and dependability of the data provided by ChatGPT can be increased with regular updates and modifications to the training data and algorithms. By putting these ideas into practise, the legal community can use ChatGPT to respect and honour human judgement and expertise while also encouraging ethical and responsible technology use.


 ChatGPT is an incredible technology, invented by OpenAI, It is an outstanding example of how swiftly everyone in every corner of the world may use artificial intelligence. The legal sector could change as a result of use of ChatGPT. However, it’s essential to be aware of the limitations and problems associated with using utilising this technology, and to do so in an ethical and accountable manner. The following actions are suggested in order to make sure that ChatGPT is utilised in a way that promotes the legal profession and increases the bar for legal services: Use various sources, accurate credit, proper citation, ethical use of technology, up-to-date training data, human review and validation, and human oversight. and improve the system. By utilizing ChatGPT and adopting technology ethically and responsibly, the legal profession may benefit from its use and keep its position as a leader thus there are various scope of this study that is ChatGPT can understand and generate human-like responses to a wide range of topics, making it useful for applications such as chatbots, language translation, and content creation it  can learn and adapt to new information and data inputs, allowing it to improve over time with more training data and updates to its algorithm It can generate responses in multiple languages, it also integrates with various platforms and applications, such as social media messaging, customer service chatbots, and voice assistants

The adoption of AI technologies like ChatGPT is likely to have significant impacts on the legal industry in the upcoming years. While ChatGPT and other AI technologies are not expected to completely replace lawyers any time soon, they are expected to play a growing role in supporting them and enhancing the effectiveness and accuracy of legal research and analysis. Law students face with both opportunities and challenges as a result of the use of ChatGPT and other AI technologies thus limitation of this study is that ChatGPT relies on its training data to generate responses and may exhibit biases or limitations in its understanding of certain topics or languages it generate responses that are technically correct but may not always be appropriate or socially acceptable in certain contexts it may not always be able to provide practical or accurate advice on sensitive or high-stakes issues, such as medical or legal advice. 

Overall, ChatGPT’s capabilities and constraints are dependent on the application and environment in which it is utilised, and it is crucial to take these into account when applying AI language models to real-world situations.

Written by- Jaishree Somani (BA.LLB)

Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad

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