The Principle of Natural Justice  

Written by- Tathagat Gaur Shri Venkateshwara University, Uttar Pradesh, India   __________________________ The principle of natural justice is a cornerstone of administrative law and is essential for upholding fairness, equity, and justice in various legal and administrative processes. This article delves into the concept of natural justice, its historical development, its fundamental principles, and its …

Lis Pendens

Written by- Afwan Sayyed Introduction Property Litigation can be extremely tangled and it can get more complicated if the parties during the trial of the court make other dealings with a third party in respect to the subject property. For justice to be delivered with integrity and without any ambiguity is important to impose restrictions …

Doctrine of Severability and Doctrine of Eclipse

Introduction Article 13 Doctrine of Severability Safeguards Conclusion Abstract: The Doctrine of Severability and Doctrine of Eclipse are indispensable tools in constitutional adjudication. All doctrines for that fact, are an indispensable part in regulating court proceedings, allowing courts to address constitutional challenges effectively. To understand completely the concept of such doctrines, one must know the …

Evolution of the Basic Structure Doctrine

Abstract: In this article we discuss in short about the making of the Indian constitution, the various cases which are concerned with the fundamental rights and DPSP’s that led to the landmark judgement of Kesavananda Bharati, such as the Shankari Prasad and the Golaknath Case. Thereafter we discuss about the development of the basic structure …